Ethical Violation Paper

Use the internet to locate an article where a police officer violated ethical law enforcement behaviors such as unethical practices against police procedures, use of force, or investigative protocols.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following:

  • Describe the role and value of ethics in policing.
  • Identify the punishment or consequences of the unethical police practices.
  • What key points did you take from the Police Ethics Discussion with your collaborative group this week?
  • What methods or training are in place or should be created to prevent the unethical behavior from occurring again?

also include two key points. regarding the  violation of ethical laws by police officers.

Format your paper in accordance with APA guidelines.

The Terrorist Organization

The Terrorist Organization

In a 3–5 page paper, (excluding cover and reference page), explain how a terrorist organization is founded, funded and supported. In the paper, identify a terrorist organization and include the following about the organization:

  • Background and known Leadership
  • Preferred targets
  • Method of operation
  • The organization’s major Political or Religious Ideology and any grievances of the organization.

Major points should be clearly stated and well supported with facts, details, and evidence. Include examples to support major points.

In addition to the topics above, write a short description of your research process. Discuss why the articles used in the Assignment were selected. Include information on the following:

  • How were articles located? (keywords searched)
  • What databases were searched and why
  • How did you identify the articles were appropriate for this Assignment? (peer-reviewed, dates, research by criminal justice agencies, subject, etc.)

Week 10 eActivity 1

Week 10 eActivity 1

Read the article titled “Could Anonymous Take Down Critical U.S. Infrastructure?” found at,2817,2394888,00.asp.

Be prepared to discuss.

“Pre-Attack techniques” Please respond to the following:

From the first e-Activity, identify technology or methods that can be implemented by an organization to prevent a hacking attack. Describe the reasons why all organizations haven’t implemented these defensive tactics already.

Speculate whether pre-attack techniques are controllable from an organization’s perspective.

Week 10 eActivity 2

There are various forms of securing data and network communications with encryption. Research two articles that describe how encryption is being used in today’s technology and telecommunication systems. Review the various methods of encryption and how data can be protected.

Be prepared to discuss.

“Encryption” Please respond to the following:

From the second e-Activity, describe at least two technologies that use encryption and provide examples on how these protect security.

Explain what risks are present if the data is not encrypted. Give information on other industry-wide accepted encryption methods.

Criminal Justice Journals

1. Considering the goal of our criminal justice system hinges on equity and fairness, do you feel it is truly possible to achieve a balance between maintaining individual rights and personal freedoms with crime control? When considering this, place yourself in the shoes of a law enforcement officer who has to not only protect the community, but also ensure our rights are preserved at the same time. Explain your reasoning.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. References or citations are not necessary.

2. Considering the crime control and due process models of our criminal justice system, do you feel it is possible to achieve a balance (both a reliable and efficient criminal justice process) at the same time? When considering your explanation, remember the differing goals that encompass both models. Explain your reasoning.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. References or citations are not necessary.

3. Many of the Supreme Court’s decisions have been controversial over the years, and some people feel that the Court is overstepping its authority and trying to rewrite laws. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Explain your reasoning. How do you feel the Court’s decisions affect the criminal justice system? When considering your entry, consider how the Courts can be influenced by personal or political agenda and how it can affect you as a citizen.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

4. As you have learned, sentencing plays a crucial role in the American criminal justice system. Without fair and equitable sentencing practices, every other element in the criminal justice process fails.
Considering the sentencing types we have examined, in your opinion, which one is most effective? Conversely, which type do you feel is the least effective? Explain your reasoning.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

5. As we have learned, the American correctional system is a critical element in the criminal justice process. Consider the role and the goals of our correctional system coupled with the rising inmate population, lack of funding, and lack of prison bed space that currently exist.
In your opinion, does the use of probation, parole, and community corrections seem to address the needs of our criminal justice system and provide a sound solution to such issues surrounding our correctional system? When considering your entry, remember that alternative sentencing still must serve as a deterrent. Explain your reasoning.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

6. As you have learned, the American criminal justice system relies heavily on technology. One such technological tool that has become more prevalent in recent years is the use of body cameras for patrol officers.
In your opinion, does the use of body cameras help or hinder our law enforcement officers if an incident should occur? Do you feel the use of body cameras influences the behavior, in either direction, of the patrol officer? Put yourself in the shoes of an officer; how would the use of body cameras influence your behavior? Explain your reasoning.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

7. As we have learned, the American criminal justice system has drastically changed in the wake of 9/11. We see a shift in all aspects of criminal justice where there is an evident link to homeland security.
In your opinion, how effective is community policing as it relates to domestic terror threats? Do you feel that such efforts to foster partnerships, build trust, and develop a rapport with the community are effective ways to combat terrorism within our communities? When considering your entry, think of the current domestic terror threat and how you could foster such relationships in the community to counter such threats as a law enforcement officer. Explain your reasoning.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary

Assess Yourself: How Healthy are You?

Assess Yourself: How Healthy are You?

Write at least a 700-word paper in which you include the following:

  • Explain your current fitness and nutritional habits.
  • Identify and describe 3 goals you can set to improve your physical and/or mental health.
  • Explain some of the health risks associated with poor physical health.
  • Explain some of the health risks associated with excess stress.
  • Explain the mind-body connection. What are some ways that you can improve your mind-body connection?

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Assignment 3: Philosophical And Practical Approach For Balancing Issues

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

1.   Create a philosophy and approach for balancing the issues of individual  rights and the public’s protection. Provide one to two (1 to 2) examples  illustrating how you will balance the two issues in your own career in  law enforcement.

2.   Determine a philosophy and approach for balancing the use of reward and  punishment in criminal justice. Provide one to two (1-2) examples  illustrating how you will use this philosophy in your own career.

3.   Select a philosophy and approach that addresses the use of immoral means  (e.g., torture or lying in interrogation) to accomplish desirable ends.  Provide one to two (1-2) examples illustrating how you will use this  philosophy in your own career.

4.   Explain what you believe the Ethics of Care and Peacemaking Criminology  presented in your textbook should mean for law enforcement  professionals.

5.  Support your position statement with three (3) relevant and credible references, documented according to SWS. (Note: Do not use open source sites such as,,, and Wikipedia.)

Chief Security Officer

You have been hired as the Chief Security Officer for a local University.  For this role you will be responsible for establishing and maintaining an enterprise wide information security program to ensure that all information and data assets are not compromised.  Knowing the concepts that are presented in the course, you will develop a plan to carry out a security program that deters computer crimes, establishes a process for investigation and outlines which laws are applicable for possible offenders.

Write a 8-10 page paper in which you:

Research the Internet for recent computer hacker attacks or other crimes that have been committed against higher educational institutions.

  1. Analyze the processes put in place by other higher education institutions in order to prevent these crimes from reoccurring.
  2. Recommend processes, methodologies, or technology that can be purchased to lower computer crime threats.  Include specifics on pricing and the level of support and maintenance that would be required.

Research the Internet for current laws and government agencies that exist in your region that address the threat of computer cyber-crimes.

  1. Identify the laws that would be effective to convict offenders.  Determine what computer crime fighting government programs exist within your region that can complement your security operations.

Research the internet for computer forensics technology that can be used by the University.

  1. Identify the types and determine the costs of technology that can be used for gathering electronic evidence, evidence from hardware, evidence from Firewalls, or cell phones.
  2. Use at least four (4) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Intake Screening And Assessment Paper

The correctional system uses a variety of forms during the intake and assessment process, and these may differ by state. In this assignment, you will become familiar with forms that are commonly used in the correctional system for assessing individuals, and you will determine how these forms are used in the intake and assessment process.


Review the Inmate Screening Form and Initial Custody Assessment Scale starting on page 56 of Objective Jail Classification Systems: A Guide for Jail Administrators on the National Institute of Corrections website.


Examine the forms and determine how results from these forms may be utilized.


Write a 350- to 700-word paper on the intake and assessment procedures in the assessment phase of the helping process, in which you:


Describe how these forms are used in the assessment phase of the helping process with individuals involved with the correctional system.

Describe how identifying risk factors through intake and assessment will contribute to the classification and treatment of an individual involved with the correctional system.

Identify other assessment instruments and forms that may be used in the correctional system during the assessment phase of the helping process. Explain how these instruments are used and what information they provide.


Include a minimum of 2 sources.


Format your reflection consistent with APA guidelines.

Criminal Investigation

Human Trafficking  discuss the current state of your topic in the criminal justice field as well as some of the unresolved or controversial issues that might be present.  Submit your proposed topic and why you are interested.

Identify and discuss the four (4) elements of arrest

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Identify and discuss the four (4) elements of arrest.
  2. Identify and discuss the four (4) requirements for search and seizure with a warrant.
  3. Explain the various aspects of the plain view doctrine.
  4. Compare and contrast the various means of identifying suspects.
  5. Summarize the basic constitutional rights of the accused during trial.
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